The Macedonian Tendency: Lise Bissonette and Identity.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lise Bissonette and Identity.

By David Edenden -

Lise Bissonette was a former editor of the leading Quebec newspaper Le Devoir. Years ago, I saw an interview while she was promoting her first novel. She was explaining the identify of the French speaking people of Quebec.

She said that her grandparents saw themselves as "Canadienne" while the others (les autres) were "English".

Her parents saw themselves as French "Canadienne" while the others were "English Canadian".

She however only thinks of herself as Quebecois while the others are Canadian. She has little identity as being Canadian.

In three generations the French speaking people went from "Canadienne" to "Quebecois"

That is why, when Greek politicians and intellectuals try to slander the ethnic Macedonian identity, I am not too perturbed.

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