While I have no proof or inside knowledge, I believe it was Barack Obama, one of two Senators, who put on hold the nomination of Philip Reeker as Ambassador to Macedonia.
The other nominee is Senator Robert Menendez who, along with Obama, is a co-sponsor of S. Res. 300 (here) (here)
The nomination process of the Ambassador Designate to Skopje Philip Reeker was put on hold on Wednesday by two members of the Senate who decided to stay anonymous.Apparently Reeker refused to urinate on the ethnic Macedonian culture, history and language as prompted to do so by certain Senators!
He (Reeker) has also refused to offer his comments on some of the provocations of the leadership of Skopje, such as the renaming of their airport “Alexander the Great”.

"Do you think anyone will notice that we are screwing the Macedonians?"
Menendez: "If they do, they won't care".
Obama: "Good point".
Memo to "national greatness" enthusiasts:
American values are being subverted by politicians who are acting like $10.00 crack whores in search of political donations ... there's the rub!
First of all... I whole-heartedly support Macedonia. I am a typical American Anglo-Saxon with no ties to Macedonia other than having lived there for over two years as a Volunteer. My wife is a beautiful Kavadarcanka and I was proud to be there the day the GW administration recognized the Republic of Macedonia as the Republic of Macedonia.
ReplyDeleteIt is pure foolishneess to believe that an Obama administration would be detrimental to Macedonia - moreover I argue the point that an Obama administration would lead cause to a more collaborative less unilaterial US government, which in turn would be good for the entire world, not just Macedonia.
The duality of walking the walk and talking the talk is what is at play in your call to arms - the fact is that the two are rarely if ever one and the same. Compromise and campaigning is an unfortunate byproduct of the political process
Would Obama reverse the GW decision to recognize the Republic of Macedonia?
If the topic were ever important enough in American politics to reach his desk - an Obama administration would take into consideration the right of a country to name itself. Furthermore, the man himself being intellectual, would recognize the historical region of Macedonia coinciding roughly with today's internationally recognized borders.
These two facts (three facts if you consider the 99.99999% chance that it will never cross his desk)make it highly unlikely that an Obama administration would reverse the formal recognition by the United States of the Republic of Macedonia.
Conversely, in a McCain/Palin administration, there would be greater suseptibility to pandering to the large Greek American population for political support (ie. money and votes). My belief of this is supported by McCain's choice of Palin as his running mate - in that it's only logic was in its overt pander to the far right conservative base of the Republican party and completely ignoring the best interests of the country or world in doing so. When the RNC considers the value of the Greek-American vote, I guarantee there would be nothing they would not do to win them over.
In conclusion - Do you seriously believe what you write? This country, this world has too many problems - we cannot focus on a single issue and let that be the sole basis on which we reach judgement. We must carefully balance all of the facts and come to an informed and educated opinion.
Glavata Gore! Jato kon NATO!
Makedonija te sakam!