The Macedonian Tendency: "The West" (aka Nato and EU ) Stabs Maceodina in the Back!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"The West" (aka Nato and EU ) Stabs Maceodina in the Back!

Update: See my correction here.

By David Edenden

I have been warning about trusting "the west" for a long time. This is how the world works. Big fish eat the little fish.

If this article is true, then the near future in the Balkans is not going to be pretty. In fact it is going to get "ugly out there" to quote a not so handsome fellow.

Greece yielded on Kosovo in exchange for Macedonia's name

Makfax vesnik: ("Ta Nea", Athens /11/12/ 14:27)

Greece changed its stance on Kosovo, and in exchange for that they gained something connected to the issue of the differences about the name with Macedonia, the Greek press states.

According to anonymous diplomatic sources, this was publicized on Tuesday by Athens newspaper, close to opposition party PASOK.

The same sources state that the Greek Government, which until now stood firm on the position that Kosovo's independence can not be imposed onto Serbia, now has different position.

In exchange for that shift, Greece gained something connected to the issue of the differences about the name with Macedonia, but what are those gains is not specified. /end/

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