The Macedonian Tendency: 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Macedonian Newspapers in Bulgaria and Greece to Close

1 " Newspapers in + to Close" The + are the hangmen of the MK people

2 They have given $ gazillion to But not

3 All the while, + are in selling out for 30 pieces of silver The sellout could not happen

4 Without the cooperation of the entire political class who shamelessly "present" themselves to EU hypocrites like cats in heat

5.Lead by

Sunday, February 08, 2015

If Macedonians in Greece were treated like Gypsies

By David Edenden

My grandfather learned to read English by reading the stories about the Toronto Maple Leafs in the newspaper.

One day at his house, I saw an in-depth article in the paper about Gypsies in Skopje. This was in the 1980's. It said Gypsies had their own suburb, city councilors, a Member of Parliament, and I believe they could learn their Rom language for a few hours a week and I think a radio show in their own language.
Many commentators have praised Macedonia for being relatively accepting of Gypsies, as opposed to their neighbors. 

My thought: If Macedonia is a model for the treatment of Gypsies in Eastern Europe, they they must be really treated like sh** in those countries.

I can't remember the article very well but my grandfather's reaction, I do remember very well.

I was watching quietly, and impatiently, as he read and re-read the article making sure, I guess, that he understood the whole thing. 

When he finished he took off his glasses, and slightly trembling, he said in a quivering voice full of emotion:

"If Macedonians in Greece were treated the way that Gypsies are treated in the Republic of Macedonia, I would be happy".

Monday, February 02, 2015

Мојот повикот за "Гранде Коалицијата"

Од "Дејвид Еденден"
By "David Edenden"


Мојот повикот за "Гранде Коалицијата" (Извинете мојата "село дијалект")
(My Call for a "Grande Coalition (in English) 1 јуни, 2008! ...

Тоа е сега 14:00, недела Јуни 1, 2008 (Њу Jорк Време) и анкети за да се затвори во македонските избори.

Повикувам на главните македонски партии и двете албански партии да се разгледа формирање на "Гранде Коалицијата", на тој начин што Германија го усвои од време на време. Предностш

1. Во однос на економските политики, сите партии се залагаат за приватизација и економска интеграција со ЕУ.

2. Во однос на надворешната политика, на сите страни поддржува членството во НАТО. Обединет фронт ќе бара НАТО да го прифат грчкото вето и да признаеме Македонија.

3. Сите партии се залагаат за правата на етничките Македонци да се утврди на сопствениот етнички идентитет. Сите партии, претпоставувам, во корист на борбата за човекови права на етничките Македонци кои живеат во Грција и Бугарија.

4. Повеќето конфликт меѓу политичките партии се чини дека да се биде над поделбата на патронат и на "Гранде Коалицијата ќе ја подели покровителство именување поправедно и борба против корупцијата со повеќе дури и рака.

5. Сите народи на Македонија ќе биде во обединета пред се соочуваат грчките обиди за дестабилизација на Македонија, која ќе доведе до граѓанска војна во Македонија, како што многумина сега предвидуваат. Ова е во ничиј интерес, освен грчки расисти.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Janusz Bugajski Has Seen the Light ... All is Forgiven

Balkan Expert: US and EU Should Pressure Greece to Resolve Macedonia's Name Issue -

US diplomat and Balkans expert, Janusz Bugajski, believes that the United States and the European Union must pressure Greece to solve the name dispute with Macedonia and have the country accepted to NATO in a matter of months, while at the same open to open the EU accession process.

Bugajski, who currently works at the Center for European Policy Analysis in Washington DC, argues that if Greece refuses to abide to international law, it should be cast out from organizations like NATO ad EU.

"I believe that this issue has lasted for too long. We, the United States, and the European Union, need to explain to Greece that it is simply too late to keep having this issue and it needs to be settled. If pressure needs to be applied, fine by me. I believe that the Europeans could have conditioned Greece to solve the issue and resolve its relations with its neighbors, particularly with Macedonia, when they gave Greece financial aid during the crisis. But, it is not too late to achieve this, exerting certain pressure on Greece, even by expelling it from some organizations if it refuses to solve the issue, and in the meantime, to involve Macedonia increasingly, primarily in NATO," Bugajski told the Macedonian Radio Television in an interview in Washington DC.

Asked if this is a frozen conflict in the Balkans, Bugajski says that Macedonia is like a state that is frozen by the Greek veto, and left out from further Western integrations. Bugajski believes that wider reasons to resolve the issue exist, now that the region is caught up in the fall out of the Ukraine crisis.

"Keeping Macedonia out from NATO and the EU is bad for the region. This issue needs to be resolved or bypassed as soon as possible, and have Macedonia join both these organizations. Without EU and NATO membership, Macedonia could gradually fall under the influence of Russia, and not only Macedonia, its neighbors too. Russia is using Macedonia's exclusion from NATO, and the issues between the Balkan countries to increase its influence in the region, and will continue to do so in the future. Greece will be guilty for helping Mr. Putin create instability in the Balkans," Bugajski concludes.

A possible solution to the name issue, Bugajski sees in the 2011 International Court of Justice verdict, which says that Greece violated international law when it vetoed Macedonia's entry into NATO at the 2008 Bucharest Summit. Bugajski believes that the international community should pressure Greece to respect the verdict, the international law, and the 1995 Interim Accord it signed with Macedonia, under which Greece is obliged not to block Macedonia's integration provided it takes place under its interim reference."

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